
As a global administrator I'm attempting to retrieve the list of MS Teams chats for a different user, however no matter which id I pass to GET /beta/users/{id}/chats the response is always the list of chats for the authenticated user. How do you get the list of chats for a different user?

The API documentation (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/chat-list?view=graph-rest-beta&tabs=http) suggests that I should be able to call GET /beta/me/chats to retrieve the list of my chats and GET /beta/users/{id}/chats to retrieve the list of someone else's chats.

Through experimentation I've noticed that I can pass any string for {id} and the request always succeeds with response 200 OK, but with my list of chats.


1 Answers


Retrieving the list of chats that another user is a part of isn't currently supported, that's why Application level permissions aren't supported.