
Unable to install bot in Group Chats (Conversation Groups not Teams Channels) having Chat ThreadId or through anyways

We have these Beta API:

For adding an app to the team:

  • POST /teams/{id}/installedApps

For adding app for user:

  • POST /users/{id}/teamwork/installedApps

I need a similar API or something to add the app to group chats without adding it manually using @GetBots

When you say @GetBots are you referring the following step - "Where you write messages and replies, just type "@" and then select Get bots to add a bot to an existing 1:1 or group chat" or different?Dev
@Dev yes, I am referring to the same step, I want to do that using C# or any API if availablersworm

1 Answers


It's currently not possible to do this - as you've identified, there is no Graph endpoint to add a bot to a Group chat, only personal and Teams channels.