
We would like to achieve an eDiscovery integration that can track all past and new chat & channel messages.

But we observed that with Delegated Permissions, the app can only list Chats that the user (admin or not) is a member of; while with Application Permissions the list Chats endpoint is not supported.

Searching through the site we see this question: How to retrieve another user's MS Teams chats with the Microsoft Graph API?

Which indicates it's not possible. But his question was a bit different than ours and it was about a year ago. So I'd like to confirm:

  1. Is it possible to list ALL Chats in the tenant? If yes, how?
  2. If it's currently not supported, is there a roadmap or schedule to support it?
  3. Seems the linked question was about impersonating an user and list his/her Chats. Is it still not supported?


Thank you for reaching out to us We will investigate and if we require further information we will reach out. Best regards, Teams PlatformSubhasish
@Subhasish-MSFT To have things like production issues channel, build channels, etc, and let a bot monitor the channel conversations woulb be a huge step forward. We need a way to get this access programmatically.Magnus Karlsson
@MagnusKarlsson - we are discussing this with engineering team. Will update you back.Subhasish
There is no direct mechanism currently, but you could create a subscription and get all chat messages in the organization.Subhasish

2 Answers


It is currently in our backlog but there is no ETA on this. You could create a subscription and get all chat messages in the organization


This can be done with graph API currently in beta.

GET /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages
