
I just installed and am running ElasticSearch (customized version)/Kibana as below:

ES: 5.1.1
Kibana: 6.0.1
CentOS: 7.3

After I started Kibana it shows me an warning below: This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.0.1 on all nodes. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v5.1.1 @ (

so I proceed to download the lastest version of ElasticSearch 7.2.0

I restarted ES and confirmed it is running on 7.2, I restarted Kibana and it is still showing the warning but warning shows the ES version is 7.2 yet it still complains version is low.

This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.0.1 on all nodes. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v7.2.0 @ (

Does it mean I have to install a different version of Kibana/elasticsearch instead of the latest?

How do I get this fixed?

Thank you very much.

enter image description here


1 Answers


I think I might have the answer now as per this compatibility matrix:


I am downloading new Kibana and see if it works, I will update here so this post serves something for whoever read it later.

UPDATE: I just confirmed this is the root cause and now it is not showing any warning like that.