I'm using elasticsearch to index my documents.
Is it possible to instruct it to only return particular fields instead of the entire json document it has stored?
Yep, Use a better option source filter. If you're searching with JSON it'll look something like this:
"_source": ["user", "message", ...],
"query": ...,
"size": ...
In ES 2.4 and earlier, you could also use the fields option to the search API:
"fields": ["user", "message", ...],
"query": ...,
"size": ...
This is deprecated in ES 5+. And source filters are more powerful anyway!
I found the docs for the get api
to be helpful - especially the two sections, Source filtering and Fields: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.3/docs-get.html#get-source-filtering
They state about source filtering:
If you only need one or two fields from the complete _source, you can use the _source_include & _source_exclude parameters to include or filter out that parts you need. This can be especially helpful with large documents where partial retrieval can save on network overhead
Which fitted my use case perfectly. I ended up simply filtering the source like so (using the shorthand):
"_source": ["field_x", ..., "field_y"],
"query": {
FYI, they state in the docs about the fields parameter:
The get operation allows specifying a set of stored fields that will be returned by passing the fields parameter.
It seems to cater for fields that have been specifically stored, where it places each field in an array. If the specified fields haven't been stored it will fetch each one from the _source, which could result in 'slower' retrievals. I also had trouble trying to get it to return fields of type object.
So in summary, you have two options, either though source filtering or [stored] fields.
In Elasticsearch 5.x the above mentioned approach is deprecated. You can use the _source approach, but but in certain situations it can make sense to store a field. For instance, if you have a document with a title, a date, and a very large content field, you may want to retrieve just the title and the date without having to extract those fields from a large _source field:
In this case, you'd use:
See the documentation on how to index stored fields. Always happy for an Upvote!
Here is another solution, now using a match expression
Source filtering allows to control how the _source field is returned with every hit.
Tested with Elastiscsearch version 5.5
The keyword includes
defines the specifics fields.
GET /my_indice/my_indice_type/_search
"_source": {
"includes": [
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"_id": "%my_id_here_without_percent%"
A REST API GET request could be made with '_source' parameter.
Example Request
http://localhost:9200/opt_pr/_search?q=SYMBOL:ITC AND OPTION_TYPE=CE AND TRADE_DATE=2017-02-10 AND EXPIRY_DATE=2017-02-23&_source=STRIKE_PRICE
"took": 59,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 104,
"max_score": 7.3908954,
"hits": [
"_index": "opt_pr",
"_type": "opt_pr_r",
"_id": "AV3K4QTgNHl15Mv30uLc",
"_score": 7.3908954,
"_source": {
"_index": "opt_pr",
"_type": "opt_pr_r",
"_id": "AV3K4QTgNHl15Mv30uLh",
"_score": 7.3908954,
"_source": {
"_index": "opt_pr",
"_type": "opt_pr_r",
"_id": "AV3K4QTgNHl15Mv30uLi",
"_score": 7.3908954,
"_source": {
"_index": "opt_pr",
"_type": "opt_pr_r",
"_id": "AV3K4QTgNHl15Mv30uLm",
"_score": 7.3908954,
"_source": {
"_index": "opt_pr",
"_type": "opt_pr_r",
"_id": "AV3K4QTgNHl15Mv30uLp",
"_score": 7.3908954,
"_source": {
"_index": "opt_pr",
"_type": "opt_pr_r",
"_id": "AV3K4QTgNHl15Mv30uLr",
"_score": 7.3908954,
"_source": {
"_index": "opt_pr",
"_type": "opt_pr_r",
"_id": "AV3K4QTgNHl15Mv30uLw",
"_score": 7.3908954,
"_source": {
"_index": "opt_pr",
"_type": "opt_pr_r",
"_id": "AV3K4QTgNHl15Mv30uL5",
"_score": 7.3908954,
"_source": {
"_index": "opt_pr",
"_type": "opt_pr_r",
"_id": "AV3K4QTgNHl15Mv30uLd",
"_score": 7.381078,
"_source": {
"_index": "opt_pr",
"_type": "opt_pr_r",
"_id": "AV3K4QTgNHl15Mv30uLy",
"_score": 7.381078,
"_source": {
Yes by using source filter you can accomplish this, here is the doc source-filtering
Example Request
POST index_name/_search
Output will be
"took": 57,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 1,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "index_name",
"_type": "index1",
"_id": "1",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"field1": "a",
"field2": "b"
"field1": "c",
"field2": "d"
For example, you have a doc with three fields:
PUT movie/_doc/1
"name":"The Lion King",
If you want to return name
and score
you can use the following command:
GET movie/_doc/1?_source_includes=name,score
If you want to get some fields which match a pattern:
GET movie/_doc/1?_source_includes=*re
Maybe exclude some fields:
GET movie/_doc/1?_source_excludes=score
There are several methods that can be useful to achieve field-specific results. One can be through the source method. And another method that can also be useful to receive cleaner and more summarized answers according to our interests is filter_path:
Document Json:
"hits" : [
"_index" : "xxxxxx",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "xxxxxx",
"_score" : xxxxxx,
"_source" : {
"year" : 2020,
"created_at" : "2020-01-29",
"url" : "www.github.com/mbarr0987",
GET bot1/_search?filter_path=hits.hits._source.url
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"term": {"name.keyword":"github" }}
"hits" : {
"hits" : [
"_source" : {
"url" : "www.github.com/mbarr0987"
if you know sql, please write a query to get the code's value,for example sql query equivalent and elasticsearch query
POST /_sql/translate
"query": "select name,surname from users"
result is ,be carefull look at the includes key
"size" : 1000,
"_source" : {
"includes" : [
"excludes" : [ ]
"sort" : [
"_doc" : {
"order" : "asc"