
I have elasticsearch on Ubuntu server.

I used apt upgrade command and elasticsearch got downgraded from version (I accepted all defaults in prompts) 5.2 to 5.0, at least Kibana says that:

This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v5.2.0 on all nodes. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v5.0.0

enter image description here

Is there any guide on how to change version of elasticsearch?

How many nodes does your cluster have? It's saying one of the nodes( still has Elasticsearch 5.0. So upgrade ES on that node it will fix the issue.avr
@avr Honestly I have no idea. I have never used elasticsearch, but I broke it with upgrade, how do I check list of nodes ?Kunok
You can run following command for one of running ES node: curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/_cat/health?v" . For more information check thisavr
@avr I only have one node. node.total = 1, node.data = 1. Is there a curl request to change it's version to 5.2?Kunok
You can install ES 5.2 by following instructions provided in documentation here. Stop the previous ES i.e ES 5.0 by running sudo service elasticsearch stop before install new one.avr

1 Answers


Couple of following comments helped to resolve the issue(read comments under the question to get better idea):

How many nodes does your cluster have? It's saying one of the nodes( still has Elasticsearch 5.0. So upgrade ES on that node it will fix the issue.

You can run following command for one of running ES node:

curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/_cat/health?v" . 

You can install ES 5.2 by following instructions provided in documentation here. Stop the previous ES i.e ES 5.0 by running sudo service elasticsearch stop before install new one.

If you had some data on old version of ES then pointing new ES to the same data directories can get you all the data into new one.