
I am attempting to remove all resources from my local k8 deploy. I have tried individual deletes, bulk deletes, and delete all. I have deleted replica sets and deployments. No matter what I do, everything auto recreates itself instantly. How do I actually get rid of all this without having to hard reset k8?

Can you post your yaml code?garlicFrancium
Please elaborate more on what all commands you tried and what output it gives. We can't answer this until we have sufficient details.mchawre

1 Answers


Maybe there are some custom resources? Run a quick kubectl get crd to see if any CRDs are installed in your cluster. Try deleting them. When there's a controller listen for these CRDs it will re-create the resources instantly. In addition, you could run a kubectl get pods --all-namespaces and look, if you see any controller (mostly named something like <APPNAME>-controller-<SOMETHING> and delete them.

Another solution could be to delete the namespace (If your apps do not live in the default Namespace).