I have multiple combo-boxes with a query that filters one after the other (drill-down) and the last combo-box selection shows the records via subform-query.
My concern is if I leave any combo-box without selection (blank) the the result is blank. How do I change the default to *
instead of blank?
I followed other recommendation from StackOverflow without success.
I've tried to set the combo-box value to Like "*"
and like <combo-box> & "*"
, it does not work.
All suggestions are really appreciated.
In my code, I am checking if combo-box is null, then *
else use combo-box selection:
In my Query:
Field = Customer
Table = tblCustomer
Criteria = IIf(IsNull([Forms]![frmRSC]![cboCustomer]),[Forms]![frmRSC]![cboCustomer] Like "*",[Forms]![frmRSC]![cboCustomer])