
I am attempting to generate a report from MS access 2013 that is created based on a selection from a combo box. My setup:

Table: Employee contact information with the last column being "EmployeeSkills" with skills listed in one cell separated by commas (i.e. "programming, design, excel, strategy"

Forms: I created a form with a combo box listing possible skills an employee could have. A user selects the skill ("i.e." programming" and clicks the button to generate the report.

Query: My query searches the criteria of the combo box by [Forms]![CreateReport]![cmbSkills]

I know that I need some type of a "Like" function since my skills are grouped together and I am not looking for an exact match. Is there a function of some sort that I could use?


1 Answers


You are correct, you need the LIKE operator. What you are probably missing, are the wildcard characters.

Therefore what you need is to modify your query's WHERE clause to the following:

Where [EmployeeSkills] Like "*" & [Forms]![CreateReport]![cmbSkills] & "*"

Try it out :)