This must be a frequently asked question, but I can't find a simple version of it with an answer that makes sense to me.
In the view below, I'm simply listing the top N employees by overtime %. Since my data has one row per EMPID, each row in the view should represent only one row in the data, so, in my newbie dialect of Tableau jargon, this view's dimensionality or granularity is row-level.
So, it shouldn't matter what aggregation type I use: MIN, MAX, AVG, SUM should all give the same number. Nevertheless, it bothers me to use any aggregation for two reasons: 1) if I use anything other than SUM, it shows up (by default, I know I can change it by hand) in the column name; and 2) if I do use SUM and something messes up my assumption that every row in the table represents one row in the data, the number could be quite wrong without my noticing a problem.
Do I just need to suck it up and pick whichever type of aggregation bothers me least, or is there a right way for a fastidious data nerd to do this in Tableau? Oh, and I hope the answer isn't, "Convert them from measures into dimensions," because I tried that and then I seem to lose the ability to use normal number formatting.
I'll also ask, because the answer may somehow be related to my main question, what's up with the "Measure Names" pills in the filter and column areas and "Measure Values" under Marks? I don't recall putting those there and strange things happen when I try removing them.