I am trying to calculate average of 2 columns in another column in Tableau but difficult part is grand total is not getting average instead it is the sum of 3rd calculated field.
A B Calculated field
10 5 2
6 3 2
T 16 8 4 (Here I should get 2 instead it is taking sum of column)
Here I am unable to write separate formula for row totals and grand totals, Only one formula (Calculated Field) is allowed and when I am dragging on sheet it is by default aggregating to sum.
Note: I am expert in Crystal and BO but beginner in Tableau.
Code used for LoD
{FIXED [Product Category]: AVG([Sales])}
Below image is what I got after implementation I have tried with 2 columns but the result is same if I use only one column (I am trying to get the average of sales)