
Normally in Tableau to calculate % I create a measure and use the below logic;


However i am trying to get the % when using a measure and an already aggregated measure and I'm getting the below error;

Argument to SUM (an aggregate function is already an aggregation, and cannot be further aggregated.

My percentage is to calculated the % difference between a policy count from table 1 which is a measure. and measure 2 which I had to create to get the count of policies from table 2 as follows; Count([Policy]). I'm using SQL Server database.

Any ideas how i can resolve this issue?


Measure 1 is a count from table 1, the data looks like the following;

enter image description here

Measure 2 is from table 2, I am creating a count in tableau of the policy number, the data looks like the below;

enter image description here

The 2 tables join on agent number

Table 1 structure;


table 2 structure;

This is the invalid output...

enter image description here

I have update my question with the column details from the two different tables, thanks!Blowers
I have added in the table structures, hope this helps.Blowers
Do you want 58/12 as output which is sum(measure1) =58 and count of measure2 = 12?? I am not getting thisAnilGoyal
yes, i would like to get 58/12 as output which is sum(measure1) =58 and count of measure2 = 12Blowers
See the answer proposed below! hope it helpsAnilGoyal

1 Answers



I created two datasets to demonstrate you a solution


enter image description here

dataset 2

enter image description here

Connecting both datasets in Tableau.

enter image description here

I built a view in tableau as (Note policies field blue color as it has been converted to dimension)

enter image description here

Now calculate a field as

ATTR({FIXED [Agent code]: count([Policy no])}/[Policies])

Adding this to viz gives me

enter image description here

wherein desired percentages are displayed.

Note- since the tables have one-to-many relationships fixed statement in respect of measure on lesser side of relationship will also result in same result.

ATTR({FIXED [Agent code]: count([Policy no])}/
{FIXED [Agent code]: AVG([Policies])})