I have a struct that has some properties, a CodingKey enum (in order to conforms to Codable protocol) and some computed-vars that returns an array of keys mapped to string.
What I'm trying to do, is to extract those computed-vars to a protocol (super-class if I have to change the struct to a class) for avoiding to repeat the implementation in every struct/class. And I need a lot of them.
The problem is that I cannot find a way to know the CodingKey enum.
Edit: DBentity
/// Basic protocol for any object directly related with a database table.
public protocol DBEntity: Codable, Equatable {}
The code:
// MARK: - Entity Properties
struct AccountsAddresses: DBEntity {
let statusMobile: String?
let codeAccount: Int?
let codeUnitOrg: String?
let codeSalesOrg: String?
let codeAddress: Int?
let codeType: String?
let byDefault: String?
let transfered: String?
// MARK: - Table Columns
extension AccountsAddresses {
/// Table name.
static var tableName = "ACCOUNTS_ADDRESSES"
/// Table columns keys.
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, CaseIterable {
case statusMobile = "status_mobile"
case codeAccount = "code_account"
case codeUnitOrg = "code_unit_org"
case codeSalesOrg = "code_sales_org"
case codeAddress = "code_address"
case codeType = "code_type"
case byDefault = "by_default"
case transfered
/* This is what I'm trying to extract to a protocol(extension) or super-class. */
/// All table columns keys.
static var columns: [String] = CodingKeys.allCases.map { $0.rawValue }
static var columnsJoined: String = columns.joined(separator: String.commaSpace)
static var columnsTableName: [String] = columns.map { tableName + String.dot + $0 }
static var columnsJoinedTableName: String = columnsTableName.joined(separator: String.commaSpace)
Using the given code from Sweeper's answer, I'm trying to implement the protocol in a new struct, but the compiler asks to set a type to the typealias CodingKeyType (since the defined protocol has the associatedtype).
public protocol Table {
associatedtype ColumnKeysType: (CodingKey & CaseIterable & RawRepresentable)
static var tablename: String { get }
Here the struct to test:
struct AccountsTest: Table {
typealias CodingKeyType = <#type#>
I've tried to make another struct in order to have a type to assign to the typealias, but there's something that I'm missing/doing wrong (I had to implement this vars, constructors & typealias).
struct Keys: (CodingKey & CaseIterable & RawRepresentable) {
var stringValue: String
var rawValue: String
var intValue: Int?
init?(stringValue: String) {}
init?(rawValue: String) {}
init?(intValue: Int) {}
typealias AllCases = Keys.RawValue
typealias RawValue = String
The compiler continues showing errors and I can't find the way to accomplish this.
'CaseIterable' requires the types 'Keys' and 'String.Element' (aka 'Character') be equivalent
Any tip to get this done?
Thank you