I've looked at the answer of the similar question I could not understand the codingKey very well in addition it doesn't exactly apply to my case as the key is not completely "unknown" it is the value of a previous key. My Api:
"api": {
"results": 1,
"fixtures": [
"homeTeam": {
"team_name": "Tottenham"
"awayTeam": {
"team_name": "Everton"
"lineups": {
"Tottenham": {
"formation": "4-2-3-1"
"Everton": {
"formation": "4-2-3-1"
My Code:
class matchApiObject: Decodable
let fixtures: [fixture]
init (fixtures: [fixture])
self.fixtures = fixtures
class fixture: Decodable
let homeTeam: matchHomeTeamObject?
let lineups: lineUpsObject?
init (homeTeam: matchHomeTeamObject?, lineups: lineUpsObject?)
self.homeTeam = homeTeam
self.lineups = lineups
class matchHomeTeamObject: Decodable
let team_name: String?
init (team_name: String?)
self.team_name = team_name
class lineUpsObject: Decodable
struct homeLineUp: Decodable
let formation: String?
init(formation: String?)
self.formation = formation
struct awayLineUp: Decodable
let formation: String?
init (formation: String?)
self.formation = formation
Obviously the keys of the lineups objects won't be "homeLineUp" but it will be as per the api example, the value of the homeTeam.team_name.
So what I imagine the solution to be is:
class lineUpsObject: Decodable
struct homeTeam.team_name: Decodable
let formation: String?
init(formation: String?)
self.formation = formation
struct awayTeam.team_name: Decodable
let formation: String?
init (formation: String?)
self.formation = formation
Which is not possible, I know I have to use a codingkey for this, but I can't understand how to declare the name of the key to be the value of a previous key value I did not understand what stringValue: String or intValue: Int do in the codingkey answer do or how they apply here, thank you.