
I am unable to connect to the Watson IoT platform from a Node Red installed locally on my system.

I have installed the ibmiot node. In connection details, I selected Authentication as "API Key". In the API Key settings, for API Key, I specified the key that I generated from the Watson Iot platform; in API Token, the token that got generated with the API Key; in the server field, I specified org_id.messaging.internetofthings.ibmcloud.com. I have also configured the Device Type and Device ID. However, the node isn't connecting to the Watson IoT platform.

What could be the issue? I think it is probably due to the API Key. I am not sure what is the right way of doing this. Help is appreciated.

Here is a screenshot of how the API Key and Token was generated. enter image description here

This is how I configured the node: enter image description here

This is the API Key configuration: enter image description here

do you receive any error messages when deploying or after deploying the node?idan
@idan Yes, it says ECONNRESET on the debug console. I think this is probably because it is unable to contact the server. I do not know what is the correct server name. I used the one specified in the hint and put my org_id. This never happened earlier when I used node red with Raspberry pi, it did not even ask for server name. Something has changed.ShwetaJ
This is the error that I see: [error] [ibmiot in:IBM IoT] Error: read ECONNRESETShwetaJ

2 Answers


I think I have got the issue. Watson IoT uses MQTT to communicate. It must have the firewall configuration set correctly. Traffic on Port 1883 should be allowed. Here is a link to the documentation: Connecting to applications I will not be able to do this since I behind the corporate network. But hope it helps someone trying to connect using locally installed Node-Red. :)


ports 1883 (unsecured connections), 8883 and 443 (secured connections) are use with IBM WIoTP and needs to be opened on firewall