I have been trying to send messages to IBM IOT Platform using CC3220s Launchpad and Code Composer Studio cc32xx SDK, watson_mqttclient_CC3220S_Launchxl_tirtos_ccs project.
I can send the messages to quickstart broker.
However, I got:
- Invalid userID () for device auth:
Connection Log Message on IBM Watson IOT Platform - CONNACK:
Connection Error: 5
Connection to broker failed, Error code: -5
Error on CCS serial terminal
I have done following changes on CCS mqttclient code and IBM Watson IOT Platform:
I have changed the security level as "TLS Optional" on the security options IBM Watson IOT Platform and I have added new device with following informations:
Organization ID : u45vsd
Device Type : ti-simplelink
Device ID : 9884e34e0611
Authentication Method : use-token-auth
Authentication Token : zzzzzzzzzzzzzFollowing codes were changed in network_if.h:
define SSID_NAME "Netmaster EB75-G"
define SECURITY_KEY "password"
define SECURITY_TYPE SL_WLAN_SEC_TYPE_WPA_WPA2Following codes were changed in mqtt_client_app.c:
define SERVER_ADDRESS "u45vsd.messaging.internetofthings.ibmcloud.com"
char ClientId[64] = "d:u45vsd:ti-simplelink:9884e34e0611";
const char *ClientUsername = "use-token-auth";
const char *ClientPassword = "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz";
sprintf(ClientId, "d:u45vsd:ti-simplelink:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", macAddress[0], macAddress[1], macAddress[2], macAddress[3], macAddress[4], macAddress[5]);
What am I missing?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.