
The problem I am having is when I ran my local device client in a Java IDE the Watson IoT Service received my events fine.

But when I insert a Watson IoT input node in node red and a debug node to view the message in Node-RED my Java IDE keeps showing the error message:

connection lost: reason code 32109 cause: EOF exception

Then reconnects and then disconnects keeps doing this, also no message is shown in the debug panel.

I know EOF means End of file exception but displays the data in my file in Watson IoT just fine so do not know what the difference is in Node-RED.

Also I am able to send a timestamp in Node-RED to my devices in Watson IoT using the Watson IoT output node.

The usual reason for a device flip flopping between connected/disconnected is a second device with the same clientid. ClientIDs need to be globally unique for any given broker.hardillb
thanks for replying all my device ids (i think this is the same as client id) are unique but i researched and found out that it may be as you are saying client id being reused but it may be down to running the device client not properly closing as i tend to press the red square button to exit the code and that may not shut the client properly and i am re running the same client. i am going to have a look how you can close any running client connections.amar
UPDATE :First i created a new device client using the documentation and my old code mixed so there is nothing wrong with my client device. Second I connected and disconnected at will when i was just connecting to watson iot the problem occurs when i create the node red watson iot input node and add the configuration for my device client it must be configuration i am passing but there are only two option connect by device or gateway i have tried both but no luck yetamar
Please edit the question to add detailshardillb
Solution: The problem was i was using the wrong node i was using the watson iot node instead of the ibm iot nodeamar

1 Answers


Solution: i was using the wrong node in node red it was a ibm iot node i was supposed to use not a watson iot node