I recreated your exact dataset and pasted it into Tableau so you could see a couple of examples.
Here's how you can see the number of customers who purchased an individual item, plus the number of customers who purchased both items.
Your calculation will be:
IF { FIXED [Customer No]: COUNTD([Item]) } = 1 THEN
'Both A and B'
And you'll need to set your view up to look like this:

Below are ways you can see when both items were purchased.
Boolean OR
The calculation you'll want to use is:
ATTR([ITEM]) = 'A' OR ATTR([ITEM]) = 'B'
And you'll want to set up your view to look like this:

A, B or Both
If you would like a bit more specificity in your result, you might try:
IF ATTR([Item]) = 'A' THEN
Replacing the previous calculation with the new looks like this:

More than 1 item
If the specific items purchased don't matter, you could use this logic.
COUNTD([Item]) > 1
Replacing the previous calculation with this one would look like:

More than 1 Item using a window function (probably overkill)
The calculation you'll need to use is:
Because this is a Window function, we'll need to specify how it's calculated across our dimensions. To do this click the down arrow on the right-hand side of the pill and select Edit Table Calculation...

You'll then need to set these settings:

I'll add the calculation we created in the first example ([A and B]) to the filter shelf and select True. That should give you something that looks like:

More than 1 item using a Level of Detail expression
The calculation for this example is:
{ EXCLUDE [Item]: COUNTD([Item]) }
You'll view should look like:

As you can see Tableau is quite flexible. Hope these examples were helpful!