I have two sets of points stored in R as sf objects. Point object x contains 204,467 and point y contains 5,297 points.
In theory, I would want to calculate the distance from all points in x to all points in y. I understand that this would create a beast of a matrix, but it is doable using st_distance(x, y, by_element=FALSE) in the sf package in about 40 minutes on my i7 desktop.
What I want to do is to calculate the distance from all of the points in x to all of the points in y, then I want to convert this into a data.frame, that contains all variables for the respective x and y pair of points. This is because I want flexibility in terms of aggregation using dplyr, for instance, I want to find the number of points in y, that is within 10, 50, 100 km from x, and where x$year < y$year.
I successfully created the distance matrix, which has around 1,083,061,699 cells. I know this is a very inefficient way of doing this, but it gives flexibility in terms of aggregation. Other suggestions are welcome.
Below is code to create two sf point objects, and measure the distance between them. Next, I would want to convert this into a data.frame with all variables from x and y, but this is where I fail to proceed.
If my suggested workflow is unfeasible, can someone provide an alternative solution to measure distance to all points within a predefined radius, and create a data.frame of the result with all variables from x and y?
# Create two sf point objects
pts1 <- st_as_sf(x = data.frame(id=seq(1,204467,1),
year=sample(seq(from = 1990, to = 2018, by = 1), size = 204467, replace = TRUE),
xcoord=sample(seq(from = -180, to = 180, by = 1), size = 204467, replace = TRUE),
ycoord=sample(seq(from = -90, to = 90, by = 1), size = 204467, replace = TRUE)),
pts2 <- st_as_sf(x = data.frame(id=seq(1,5297,1),
year=sample(seq(from = 1990, to = 2018, by = 1), size = 5297, replace = TRUE),
xcoord=sample(seq(from = -180, to = 180, by = 1), size = 5297, replace = TRUE),
ycoord=sample(seq(from = -90, to = 90, by = 1), size = 5297, replace = TRUE)),
distmat <- st_distance(pts1,pts2,by_element = FALSE)