G'day All,
I have two sets of point data, one with 24 locations and the other with ~16,000. I want to calculate the distance from each of the 24 points to the 16,000 points. This is easy to do with pointDistance() in R raster package, but I can't tell which pairs are being compared. I would like to create a data.frame which has the location names for each comparison so I can combine it with the distances.
a <- data.frame('lon' = c(1,5,55,31), 'lat' = c(3,7,20,22), 'loc' = c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
b <- data.frame('lon' = c(4,2,8,65), 'lat' = c(50,-90,20,32), 'loc' = c('e', 'f', 'g', 'h'))
dist <- function(x, y){
for( i in 1:length(a$lon)){
my_vector <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = 0)
d <- pointDistance(cbind(x[i,'lon'], x[i,'lat']), cbind(y$lon, y$lat), lonlat=TRUE)
my_vector <- c(my_vector, d)
I am having a very slow morning and can't figure out why my function above is not outputting each combination. It isn't adding each iteration of d to my_vector.
At the same time I would like to include the pairwise combination of locations that produced each distance measure, eg:
loc1 loc2 dist
a e 10
a f 16
a g 12
a h 19
b e 15
b f 17
b g 14
b h 13
c e 11
etc etc etc
I am sorry to bother you with this, any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.