
I have two data frames each 1000 x 1000, one data frame (lon) with longitudes and one data frame (lat) with latitudes, specifying coordinates of a pixel (or raster) array and I'm stuck with how to combine the two data frames into one 1000 x 1000 spatialpointsdataframe (or equivalent). The first cell of the spatialpointsdataframe would have coordinates specified by lon[1,1] and lat[1,1] etc. Is there a simple way to do this? I think I can do it column by column and then binding the spatial point objects together sequentially, but this seems a bit long winded. Any ideas?

Tried as suggested:

lat.t <- data.frame(seq(10, 15, 1), seq(20, 25, 1), 
    seq(30, 35, 1),seq(40, 45, 1))
colnames(lat.t) <- c("1", "2", "3", "4")
lon.t <- data.frame(seq(90, 95, 1), seq(100, 105, 1), 
seq(110, 115, 1), seq(120, 125, 1))
colnames(lon.t) <- c("1", "2", "3", "4")
coords <- cbind(lon = unlist(lon.t), lat= unlist(lat.t))
sp.ob <- SpatialPoints(coords)

which gives a two column sp.ob with 16 rows when I think I need a 4 x 4 so that the lon/lat match the raster.

If I do just:

coords <- cbind(lon =lon.t , lat= lat.t)
sp.ob <- SpatialPoints(coords)

I do get a 4 x 4 but with all lon in first 4 columns then all lat in last 4, and I think this doesn't give me the right lon/lat pairs if I look at the contents with:


for example.

Please provide a working example.dayne
Not sure what is meant by a "spatialpointsdataframe" that is 1000x1000. I thought that type of object was recorded in "long" format. Why not make toy versions of lat and lon that are 5 x 5 and show what is desired.IRTFM
Many thanks for the suggestion- that was a useful prod to get me to think a little more clearly!chrisR

3 Answers


Try this :

lon <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(10000), 100, 100))
lat <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(10000), 100, 100))

cbind(lon = unlist(lon), lat = unlist(lat))

Or :

cbind(lon = unlist(t(lon)), lat = unlist(t(lat)))

Depending of the order wanted (by line or by column)


My initial question was about how to combine separate lon/lat data frames into one so that I could add these to specify relevant coordinates in a raster. The underlying problem is that I have a tiff image representing a polar stereographic (antarctic) projection of 1000 x 1000 pixels and separate files for longitude and latitude, each 1000 x 1000 elements matching the pixel image. @Gilles pointed out a simple data frame conversion (basic R !) that I could use to convert the 1000 x 1000 lon/lat dataframes to get x and y coordinates in a form that I could combine with a data frame conversion of the rastered tiff to give a file with xyz columns. I can then use rasterFromXYZ to complete my task. However, the coordinates are not quite regular but 'griddify' may solve that problem. Answers to my initial question were greatly appreciated!


The underlying problem is that I have a tiff image representing a polar stereographic (antarctic) projection of 1000 x 1000 pixels and separate files for longitude and latitude, each 1000 x 1000 elements matching the pixel image

What you need to do is

r <- raster("file.tif")

Check the coordinate reference system (projection)


If it has been set correctly to polar stereographic, you are good to go; otherwise you can set it with the appropriate description. Something like

crs(r) <- "+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lon_0=0  +lat_ts=-71 +datum=WGS84 +units=m"

If you want to transform to longitude / latitude, try:

x <- projectRaster(r, "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")

And see ?projectRaster for additional parameters.