I want to calculate the distance between to points. I know there are several ways to do it in R (see here for one example), I thought it would be best to use the st_distance function from the sf package, but when I use a projection different to WGS84 (crs = 4326), I get the distances in decimal degrees and not in meters.
However, when I set the projection to crs = 32718, I get the distance in decimal degrees. Is there a way to convert this to meters (or to get meters in the first place). What I don't understand is why when I set the projection to crs = 4326, I do get the distance in meters.
I included a reproducible example:
#> Linking to GEOS 3.6.1, GDAL 2.2.3, PROJ 4.9.3
#> Loading required package: sp
#> Checking rgeos availability: TRUE
crs <- CRS("+init=epsg:32718")
df <- tibble::tribble(
~documento, ~cod_mod, ~nlat_ie, ~nlong_ie,
"00004612", 238840, -8.37661, -74.53749,
"00027439", 238758, -8.47195, -74.80497,
"00074909", 502518, -8.83271, -75.21418,
"00074909", 612663, -8.82781, -75.05055,
"00074909", 612812, -8.64173, -74.96442,
"00102408", 237255, -13.4924, -72.9337,
"00102408", 283341, -13.5317, -73.6769,
"00109023", 238717, -9.03639, -75.50947,
"00109023", 238840, -8.37661, -74.53749,
"00109023", 1122464, -8.37855, -74.57039,
"00124708", 238717, -9.03639, -75.50947,
"00124708", 238840, -8.37661, -74.53749,
"00124708", 1122464, -8.37855, -74.57039,
"00186987", 612663, -8.82781, -75.05055,
"00186987", 1121383, -8.36195, -74.57805,
"00237970", 327379, -3.55858, -80.45579,
"00238125", 1137678, -3.6532, -80.4266,
"00238125", 1143577, -3.50163, -80.27616,
"00239334", 1143577, -3.50163, -80.27616,
"00239334", 1372333, -3.6914, -80.2521
df_spatial <- df
coordinates(df_spatial) <- c("nlong_ie", "nlat_ie")
proj4string(df_spatial) <- crs
# Now we create a spatial dataframe with coordinates in the average location of each documento
df_mean_location <- df %>%
group_by(documento) %>%
mean_long = mean(nlong_ie),
mean_lat = mean(nlat_ie)
df_mean_location_spatial <- df_mean_location
coordinates(df_mean_location_spatial) <- c("mean_long", "mean_lat")
proj4string(df_mean_location_spatial) <- crs
df_spatial_st <- st_as_sf(df_spatial)
df_mean_location_spatial_st <- st_as_sf(df_mean_location_spatial)
distancias1 <- st_distance(df_spatial_st, df_mean_location_spatial_st, by_element = TRUE)
#> Units: [m]
#> [1] 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.15248325 4.99880005 0.10219044 5.26515886
#> [7] 5.06614947 7.38054767 7.53880558 7.43549151 1.17475732 0.28396349
#> [13] 0.63815871 4.99880005 0.37683694 7.52071866 7.47784143 0.18844161
#> [19] 0.10677741 0.09564457
When I change the crs <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326"), I do get the correct results (in meters):
[1] 0.00 0.00 16792.18 552085.93 11258.44 581428.01 560043.61 816269.42 834131.40 822686.13 129481.67 31286.98 70373.13 552085.93
[15] 41565.46 832000.85 827230.50 20928.56 11835.41 10577.04
? They look identical. – Spacedmanst_distance
is from thesf
package, and most of the other spatial functions you use are coming from thesp
package which is attached withmaptools
- you probably don't needmaptools
here (ortidyverse
) to generate a minimal example. – Spacedmandistancias2
) that was not needed, so I edited the question. I'll take into account your comments next time to only use the packages strictly needed – Diego Uriarte