
I can use this library for Android with success but failed to use it in IOS. I have followed the official notes for installing this library and then install XMPPFramework pods and react-native-xmpp pods. But after that still I get one of the following errors:

  1. Either I get core data model not found errors issue#90 [total 6 errors] or
  2. XMPPframework.h not found error - According to me, this errors is due to the same name collision of the XMPPFramework.h file found in the XMPPFramework and RNXMPP folder or
  3. I get errors in KissXML Framework or
  4. At last, if I mange to remove all the above errors, then I get the 'Linker failed error'.

Please help to provide the detailed documentation to use this library or if there is any alternative library for XMPP chat client that can be used in react-native for IOS. I have spent more than 2 weeks for searching the right solution for this.


1 Answers


2 month ago I had the same task and then chose a xmpp.js which I actually use on 3 environments in parallel right now:

  • React Native
  • Native Script
  • Node.js

On React Native it works under iOS/Android

It does not use any 3rd party native code like react-native-xmpp lib (e.g. XMPPFramework for iOS), so it's only pure JS. Did not have any noticeable issues while integrating it, so can recommend to try

The complete step by step guide on how to use XMPP lib in React Native app is available here https://medium.com/@connectycube/xmpp-real-time-chat-in-react-native-8d6d5d23dd47