
I have error when i start running android

What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.  
> SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the local.properties file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
this was happening with me in the first ever hello world, even the env variable was set correctly, what I did is, open the android folder in android studio and hit the run button(green play icon) and it worked, make sure your metro is running while you are doing this, i think it was happening because i didnt opened the android studio after installation when I opened the android folder in andriod studio I noticed it updated few things and now even npm run android is working fineInzamam Malik

30 Answers

  • Go to the android/ directory of your react-native project
  • Create a file called local.properties with this line:
sdk.dir = /Users/USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk

Where USERNAME is your macOS username

  1. Go to your React-native Project -> Android
  2. Create a file local.properties
  3. Open the file
  4. paste your Android SDK path like below

    • in Windows sdk.dir = C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\sdk
    • in macOS sdk.dir = /Users/USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk
    • in linux sdk.dir = /home/USERNAME/Android/Sdk

Replace USERNAME with your user name

Now, Run the react-native run-android in your terminal.


You can try adding ANDROID_PATH

export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/<username>/Library/Android/sdk/
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

Open ~/.bash_profile and add:

 export ANDROID_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk/
 export PATH=$PATH:~/android-sdks/platform-tools/
 export PATH=$PATH:~/android-sdks/tools/

source ~/.bash_profile

enter image description here


I don't think it's recommended to update the local.properties file to get to add the missing environment vars.

Update your environment variables:

How to open the AVD manager on OSX from iTerm2?

android-28 / android-30

sdk can be installed on /Library/Android/sdk or /usr/local/ to be sure check it by

which sdkmanager


export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk


export ANDROID_HOME="/usr/local/share/android-sdk"

Then add it to the $PATH

export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/28.0.1:$PATH


export ANT_HOME=/usr/local/opt/ant
export MAVEN_HOME=/usr/local/opt/maven
export GRADLE_HOME=/usr/local/opt/gradle
export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/share/android-sdk
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/usr/local/share/android-sdk
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/usr/local/share/android-ndk
export INTEL_HAXM_HOME=/usr/local/Caskroom/intel-haxm

I used brew cask to install Android SDK following these instructions.

More info see https://developer.android.com/studio/intro/update#sdk-manager


echo "sdk.dir = /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Android/sdk" > android/local.properties


If you are on windows escape (add backlashes to) the backslashes and the colon in the android/local.properties file. If its not there then create it

sdk.dir = C\:\\Android\\sdk

Updated steps for React Native0.58 to get started on MAC/Unix

  • Open bash_profile in terminal

nano ~/.bash_profile

export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk

export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator


export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin

export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

Control+S to save
Control+X to exit
Y to save changes
  • Update changes in terminal

source ~/.bash_profile

  • Validate Path:

echo $PATH

  • Confirm if all okay:

adb devices


For Windows Users

One simple solution is to set the SDK path to the Enviroment Variables list.

  1. Head over to the Enviromnent variables. (Your PC > Properties )
  2. Create New System variables
  3. Set the Variable name to ANDROID_HOME
  4. Set the Variable value to your Android Sdk Location
  5. Press OK (3 times for 3 dialog boxes)


Your Android Sdk is generally located in


Make sure to close your current terminal because your terminal holds all of your pre-existing Environment Variables.


Fixing SDK Path Errors on Linux Distributions

Your project is not finding the SDK set in the Project Settings via the path provided, so the project needs to be pointing in the right direction, and you have a couple options to accomplish this, but let's start by finding the correct SDK folder first.

Finding your SDK

From Package Manager

If you are using a package-based JRE install like Java 8 JRE via a the custom PPA in a Debian-based distribution, or used OpenJDK, the directory will most likely be /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle (or whatever version you have chosen). You can find this path set in the JAVA_HOME environment variable:

$ echo $JAVA_HOME

Manual Download

If you have installed via the Java JRE/SDK download, it will be wherever you placed the folder, e.g. /home/username/jdk-8u121_1.8.0 (or something similar).

Scripted installs may even add the SDK to /opt/java-8-oracle, but as of this writing, the Java Install instructions leave the folder placement in your hands.

Android Studio 2.2

Lastly if you are using Android Studio, the SDK is placed where you have set it to place the SDK files downloaded through the Studio's SDK Manager. By going to File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK, you can find the SDK location setting at the top with the option to change, and the default folder being ~/Android/Sdk.

Android Studio SDK Path

Setting the SDK Path

Now that we know where the SDK is, it is time to let react-native know.

Option 1: Set with local.properties

This method is very simple, and all that is needed is creating the file local.properties in the following folder, where Project_Folder is the base of your React-Native application:


In your local.properties, you want to set the variable sdk.dir to the path of your SDK folder:


While this is the easiest way to remedy the issue, it is not the best, especially if you work with multiple projects. For every project, you will have to create this file for every project, and if the folder changes plan on changing this file for each project's local.properties.

Once the file is saved, rerun the react-native run-android command.

Option 2: Settings Folders with Environment Variables

The other option is to set the SDK folders to the local environment variables that React-Native looks for by default. To do so, we will add the ANDROID_HOME path. As a bonus we can also add our android tools in the same place. We need to add this to rather the .bash_profile or .profile files in our home directory, which are loaded last, so we can make sure that nothing else is overriding the settings we make. Since these are in your home directory, there is no need to edit with escalated privileges.

**$ vim ~/.profile**  (use nano or pico if you prefer)

In the file add the following lines replacing the SDK folder with the one you found above. I will be using the Android Studio folder as an example:

export ANDROID_HOME="~/Android/Sdk"
export PATH=$PATH:~/Android/Sdk/tools:~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools

Save the file, then apply the profile settings:

$ source ~/.profile

If the Sdk folder shows correctly, congratulations! Re-run your react-native command, and watch the app build process continue forward.

If you still have issues

If for some reason you receive the error "> failed to find target with hash string 'android-23' in: your/sdk/folder, you need to make sure that the project's build version and the version of the SDK installed match (React-Native defaults to 23.0.1). You can find the default version in Project_Folder/android/app/build.gradle, and then searching for buildToolsVersion. You can of course change the version from this file, or in Android Studio go to File > Project Structure to change the Project SDK. I would not suggest changing this version unless you absolutely know what you are doing, otherwise install the SDK version the project is looking for.


You must write correct full path. Don't use '~/Library/Android/sdk'

vi ~/.bashrc

export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/{UserName}/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools
export PATH=${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools

source ~/.bashrc

This answer is for MacOs Catalina user or zsh users as your Mac now uses zsh as the default login shell and interactive shell.

If you follow along with the docs of React Native Setting up the development environment guide. Then do the following.

Firstly check if local.properties file exists or not. If the file does not exist then create and add the following line.


After doing the above changes now do the following.

  1. Open ~/.zshrc using a code-editor. In my case I use vim
vim ~/.zshrc
  1. Add the following line for the path.
export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/<yourcomputername>/Library/Android/sdk"
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$PATH
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin:$PATH
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH

Make sure to add the above line correctly else it will give you a weird error.

  1. Save the changes and close the editor.

  2. Finally, now compile your changes

source ~/.zshrc

I get this working in my case. I hope this helps you.


On Ubuntu, where you have to get SDK separately from the Android Studio strange the path will work with Android Studio but with React Native, you'll need to create a file name local.properties.

For example inn ~/AwesomeProject/android and insert this line:


Delete the local.properties from the android folder in your react project and try it.

I've done this and succeeded.


Check out in your local.properties file:


if the format is proper or not


If you are using Ubuntu, just go to android directory of your react-native project and create a file called local.properties and add android sdk path to it as follow:

sdk.dir = /home/[YOUR_USERNAME]/Android/Sdk

Copy your system's other android project local.properties and paste in android folder of React-native project it will work.


This worked for me .

I am taking Stephen Grider's React Native on Udemy and one of the students posted this in Lecture 50. Pasted verbatim in the command line (w/o '$' of course).

$ export "ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/opt/android-sdk" >~/.bash_profile

The best solution I can find is as follows:

  1. Download Android Studio and SDK of your choice (Even if you think you don't need it trust me that you would need it to release the apk file and some manual changes to the android code).
  2. File > New > Import , point to the location where your react native android project is.
  3. If it ask you to download any specific SDK then please download the same. It can ask you to update gradle etc... Please keep on updating where required.
  4. If you have an existing Android SDK and you know the version then all you have to do is match that version under build.gradle of your android project.

This is how the gradle file will look like:

enter image description here

If everything has gone well with your machine setup and you can compile the project using the Android Studio then nothing will stop you to build your app through react-native cli build android command.

With this approach, not only you will solve the problem of SDK, you will also resolve many issues related with your machine setup for Android development. The import will automatically find SDK location and create local.properties. Hence you don't need to worry about manual interventions.


For Linux Users

Your app is not getting the path of android-sdk, so If you are using linux (ubuntu), than you need to add a file named "local.properties" and save it inside the android folder, which is created inside your app folder.

You need to add below line inside local.properties file, which is the path of your android-sdk lies inside your system inside system in order to run the app.


save and rerun the command react-native run-android


you can open terminal, type

sudo nano ~/.bashrc

and paste the below path at the end of the file

export ANDROID_HOME="/opt/android-sdk/"

and restart your computer and run again react-native run-android after that.

Note:- If you put set path in .bashrc file, then you don't even need to create local.properties file.


If you create and android studio project, You can see a local.properties file is created inside your project root directory. When you create a react native project, It doesn't create that file for you. So you have to create it manually. And have to add skd dir to it. So create a new file inside android folder ( on root ). and put your sdk path like this sdk.dir=D\:\\Android\\SDK\\android_sdk_studio . Remember: remove single \ with double. Just like above.


If local.properties file is missing, just create one in the "project/android" folder with 'sdk.dir=/Users/apple/Library/Android/sdk' and make sure your SDK in on that location.

for creating a file with custom extensions on mac refer the following link

How do I save a TextEdit (mac) file with a custom extension (.sas)?


There are 2 ways to solve this issue:

  1. Simple run your react native Android project in the android studio it will automatically generate your local.properties file in react native Android project.

  2. a. Go to React-native Project -> Android
    b. Create a file local.properties
    c. Open the file
    d. Paste your Android SDK path like below


Make sure you have the proper emulator and Android version installed. That solved the problem for me.


In your Project Directory there is a folder called "android" and inside it there is the local.properties file . Delete the file and the build should run successfully


There are two gradle files, change the one inside your C:\myapp\android\build.gradle and not in the parent directory myapp.

Replace 23.0.1 with your version of Android Build Tool installed in my case 25.0.0

Run react-native run-android to see your app in emulator.


Copy your system's other android project local.properties and paste in android folder of React-native project it will work.


Just open folder android in project by Android Studio. Android studio create necessary file(local.properties) and download SDK version for run android needed.


I am on Windows and I had to modify sdk path irrespective of having it in PATH env. variable


Changed this file:


The problem is that you have misconfigured the environment variables. You have to use (in Windows) the SDK of: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk

For more information: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started

Select: React Native CLI Quickstart in the Android development environment section in point 3. Configure the ANDROID_HOME environment variable

If you do it as you have it right now you must configure each project to use your environment variables and if the project is among several people with their equipment it can cause a problem. If you do it as I have told you, you will not have to configure any project.