
I'm trying to add a framework to my IOS project but when I build I always got the same message :

ld: framework not found Pods

clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I tried to remove my Pods directory and then run pod install I open the .xcworkspace like it is written in the logs on the pod install, I clean the project on xcode and then try to build but it won't works..

My podfile looks like this :

xcodeproj '/Users/guillaume/project/Mobile/iOS/FoodPin/FoodPin.xcodeproj'
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'SwiftHTTP', '~> 0.9.2'

My version of xcode is 6.3.1

Thank you,

Did you check that libpods.a is in your "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" of your target ? And in your Build Phases too ?BoilingLime
Did you manage to solve this? I'm having the same errorChristopher Francisco
@ChristopherFrancisco I solved it, check my answer.Arbitur
This How to Answer[1] solved my problem! Hope it helps [1]: stackoverflow.com/a/31161871/1557663Mário Carvalho
@MárioCarvalho Thats just a longer and more beginner-friendly version of my answer x)Arbitur

30 Answers


In Project Navigator in the folder Pods I had a Pods.framework in there which was red. It was also present in Linked Frameworks and Libraries. I removed both references and the error disappeared.


Remove Pods.framework in:

  • Folder named Pods
  • Linked Frameworks and Libraries

This is usually caused by having the .xcodeproj file open instead of .xcworkspace.

When you run 'pod install' for the first time, it will create an .xcworkspace file, which includes your original .xcodeproj and a Pods project. You'll need to close your .xcodeproj and open the .xcworkspace instead.

This is a common issue when creating a project through Xcode's new project wizard - I often forget that I'm not in a workspace, which is required to get Cocoapods to link correctly.


Xcode 9, 10, 11, 11.5

install https://github.com/CocoaPods/cocoapods-deintegrate

pod deintegrate


pod install

I cleared this error by deleting the red .framework files that were located in a folder Frameworks in the project navigator. I think this also automatically deleted corresponding red entries in the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section of the General settings.

I have been cleaning / reinstalling pods in order to fix another issue. Perhaps these red framework files and entries were just leftover from a previous pod install?


I had a similar issue as

framework not found Pods_OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension

It was resolved by removing the following. Go to target OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension > Build Phases > Link Binary with Libraries and deleting Pods_OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension.framework It should be empty here. Hope this helps. Cheers.


For who find this issue. I am using NativeScript and got the same error.

That happen becouse I opened the file .xcodeproj, but we must open the project by the file .xcworkspace.


This happened to me after updating my Podfile and doing a pod update.

For some reason, I had a "Pods_[ProjectName]".framework file appear under my project under 'Targets' > General > Linked Frameworks and Libraries.

Deleting this and then clean/rebuilding fixed the issue.


I was getting this error because i renamed my project and change the name of project in pod file too but my project was referring to old name which was not there and causing this error . I get rid of this by

pod deintegrate

followed by

pod install

you should delete your project some file as this picture.

your should delete the pods.framework and pods mark red files


Just Remove your .framework from the list of "Your Project->General->Linked Framework & Libraries".


It's happened to me because I changed the Deployment Target in General but forgot to change the Deployment Target in Pods > General. Change the deployment target


In my case I can build it on devices and simulator but has the same errors when archiving. To solve it, I have to

  • remove Pods.framework
  • make sure Pods-<project-name>.framework is embedded

You will find the settings in TARGETS-->Linked Frameworks and Libraries.


This issue was driving me crazy as it suddenly happened without doing any changes to the project. I've tried all suggested solutions in this thread (and other related) and none of them solved the problem.

The only thing that differed from my other projects (which compiled fine), was that this project name was containing an accent (a french accent, "é"). I've renamed the project and all related files, and it finally worked !

Maybe this is related to updating to Xcode 10, because this project was working well before...

EDIT : it also seems to failed when using a project with - in project name…


[Xcode 11.2.1]

For me it was different app target version in Podfile(platform :ios, '11.0') and in Xcode project file Xcode Deployment info.

It causing Archiving job fail in CI pipeline.

Matching both value fixed an issue! Hope this help anyone.


Step 1

The first thing that you will need to do is remove the Podfile, Podfile.lock, the Pods folder, and the generated workspace.

Step 2

Next, in the .xcodeproj, remove the references to the Pods.xcconfig files and the libPods.a file.

Step 3

Within the Build Phases project tab, delete the Check Pods Manifest.lock section (open),Copy Pods Resources section (bottom) and Embed Pod Resources(bottom).


Remove Pods.framework.

The only thing you may want to do is include some of the libraries that you were using before. You can do this by simply draging whatever folders where in the pods folders into your project (I prefer to put them into my Supporting Files folder).

It worked for me.


Using Xcode 8.3 the accepted answer didn't work for me. I had tried many other solutions but @Elliott Davies answer is what fixed it for me. I'm adding a screenshot for clarity. For some reason, Xcode was trying to link previous podfile setups that no longer existed. All I had to do was delete the extra references and everything worked.Screenshot of Xcode Linked Frameworks and Libraries


You're more than likely trying to get the pods to work into you project right? The only way to do so is by creating a separate project that uses CocoaPods.

Close all work-spaces that you are using.

Next, make sure you have your Podfile completely ready to go.

In the command line, wherever your file is, type the command:

pod deintegrate

Then, install your pod agian.

pod install or pod update

Now you can use your project's new workspace to develop from. Look for a file called .workspace. Use that file!

Here is a guide on using CocoaPods


In my case, after comparing the difference between a branch I knew built correctly, I noticed this line in my Podfile:

platform :ios, '11.0'

I had inadvertently up'd my target version from 10 to 11 while my targets in Xcode remained set to 10. Reverting back to 10 solved my issue for me.

Ensure your target iOS versions are properly set.


This is the way i fix my problem. and it now work when i writing this answer:

Firstly, i try all the most fix way above,

remove Pods_xxx.framework from the link libraries and framework in target's build phases is helpful, and the issue will disappear, but the coming problem is i can't import the Pods.framework anymore.

And Then, i try to reinit the xcworkspace config, so that i can figure out the real problem. so i run

pod deintergate

and then install my pod again:

pod install

this work prefectly, but the problem is still in there, but i figure out the real problem is the Pods_xxx.framworks not be compiled succeed by cocoapods build script. I think this is the true way to fix the problem.

Finally, i try to edit my project's scheme:

Pods scheme is not in edited

and i add Pods scheme into manage:

enter image description here

and build this Pods.framework separately, and you will find the Pods.framework icon become truly again:

enter image description here

and i think now you have fix your "framework not found Pods_xxxx.framework" problem but actually i have another problem coming:

enter image description here

so i go to the build setting, and edit the "Framework Search Path" with "${inherited}", and now all the problems goes out, cheer!!!!:)

enter image description here


in my case, my problem was the following: ld: framework not found UserMessagingPlatform.xcframework

for me, the solution was the following:

  1. open a finder window and go to the ios folder
  2. look for the following files:

Pods-[YOUR PROJECT NAME].release.xcconfig

Pods-[YOUR PROJECT NAME].debug.xcconfig

enter image description here

  1. open those files and remove the following text: -framework "UserMessagingPlatform.xcframework" in both files

After removing and updating pod I still had same issue.

I've found that previous developer put flag in 'Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags' with Framework name (in my case -framework 'OGVKit') that made the issue.

After deleting that flag, project builds properly.


I did experience this problem because I did not set the platform correctly.

So in my macOS app I had the platform set to:

platform :ios

instead of

platform :osx

None of the previous answers pointed out the root problem in my situation. So I hope this may be useful to someone else.

In my case I ended up having to edit my podfile at the root of my project. When I first created my podfile, swift static libraries were not supported. So I had been using use_frameworks! in my podfile under each of my targets as such:


target 'targetName' do
   pod 'podName', '~> 0.2'


target 'targetName' do
   pod 'podName', '~> 0.2'

I removed use_frameworks! from my podfile which kept installing the frameworks every time I ran pod install. After removing this line, make sure to run pod install again and remove any of the red .framework references from your Frameworks folder in Xcode. (Though mine appeared differently as attached below.)

Image of Removing .framework files that are no longer necessary

You can also read more about use_framework! here.


I resolved this issue by selecting the project which downloaded from CocoaPods and built it, you can click Manage Schemes so that it can be appeared in Run bar. Then you can rebuild your project. Hope it help.


I tried every answer on here and none of them worked. I ended up getting it working by upping the deployment target from 10.0 to 11.0. I have no idea why that fixed it, but I suspect it has to do with upgrading to Xcode 10.2.1.


For me, the problem was about changing the deployment target. I changed it to 9.0+ but changing it to 11.0+ worked.


In my case, there was a reference to the library I removed on

Targets > Build Settings > Runpath Search Paths

Removing the library from Podfile and updating it obviously didn't remove it, so I had to do it manually and now everything works.


I have resolved this issue.

delete these three files.

  1. Podfile.lock
  2. Pods folder
  3. .xcworkspace

Then open your project in terminal and run pod deintegrate command, and after then run pod install command


Delete the frameworks folder created after pod install or update


Other thing that solved my problem is to go under Target -> Build Settings -> Other linker Flags and delete the "-framework" and your framework "name".

It happened when i tried to remove a pod.