
I am using Azure batch. I have an exe which I need to execute on compute nodes.

I am using this path in the azure portal in my task window "cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_MyAppCreateRG%\CreateRG.exe -args HelloRG eastUs"

But I am getting an error: The system cannot find the path specified.


3 Answers


For your issue, the error you got is the core point of your problem. You can create a task with the command cmd /c "echo %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_MyAppCreateRG%" to show the exact path if it exists or not.

Just like if you want to get the environment variable PATH in windows, you should use the command echo %PATH%. And the result will like below:

enter image description here

So, if it could not show the path you want, it means the environment variable doesn't exist and you should set it up first and check then.

I suggest if you want to execute an exe, you should check if the path of it is right and if the exe already exist for you.


It appears that you have mis-quoted your command to execute. Try:

cmd.exe /c "%AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_MyAppCreateRG%\CreateRG.exe -args HelloRG eastUs"

As an alternative i am able to execute powershell script instead of exe

powershell C:\Scripts\CreateRG.ps1 -resourceGroup "MyRG" -location "eastUs"