I am new to Azure batch. I have to perform a task on nodes in the pool.
The approach I am using is that I have the code that I want to run on the node. I am making a zip of the jar of the .class file and uploading to my Azure storage account and then getting the application Id and putting it in ApplicationPackageReference and adding to my task in job.
String applicationId= "TaskPerformApplicationPack";
ApplicationPackageReference reference = new ApplicationPackageReference().withApplicationId(applicationId);
List<ApplicationPackageReference> list = new ArrayList<ApplicationPackageReference>();
TaskAddParameter taskToAdd = new TaskAddParameter().withId("mytask2").withApplicationPackageReferences(list);
taskToAdd.withCommandLine(String.format("java -jar task.jar"));
batchClient.taskOperations().createTask(jobId, taskToAdd);
Now when I run this, my task fails giving an error that
access for one of the specified Azure Blob(s) is denied
How can I run a particular code on a node using azure batch job tasks?