Im working on a windows form program and I want to make the main form always maximized ,I've tried setting the WindowState to Maximized and FormBorderStyle to FixedDialog/FixedSingle and it works but the maximize button is still there so I tried setting the MaximizeBox to false but then the form is full screen and it totally covers the taskbar which is the problem ,I don't want it to be over the taskbar. If anyone knows a solution or ever an alternative solution to the problem please feel free to help me out.
1 Answers
Keep FormBorderStyle = Sizable
. Set MaximizeBox = false
and MinimizeBox = false
. As code behind use
public partial class frmFixedMaximized : Form
private bool _changing;
public frmFixedMaximized()
WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
private void frmFixedMaximized_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Make resizing impossible.
MinimumSize = Size;
MaximumSize = Size;
private void frmFixedMaximized_LocationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!_changing) {
_changing = true;
try {
// Restore maximized state.
WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;
WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
} finally {
_changing = false;
The reason for this code is that a user can still drag a window by holding its title bar. The _changing
variable prevents the LocationChanged
event handler to trigger itself in an endless loop.