A C# desktop application on the express edition worked, but then it didn't work 5 seconds later.
I tried the following:
- Ensure debug configuration, debug flag, and full debug information are set on all assemblies.
- Delete all bin and obj folders and all DLL files related to the project from my entire machine.
- Recreate projects causing the problem from scratch.
- Reboot.
I have two Windows Forms projects in the solution. One of them loads the debug information, one doesn't. They both refer to the assembly I'm trying to get debug information on in exactly the same way in the project file. Any ideas?
I want to add here, mostly for myself when I come back to review this question, that symbols are not loaded until the assembly is loaded, and the assembly is not loaded until it is needed. If the breakpoint is in a library that is only used in one function in your main assembly, the symbols will not be loaded (and it will show the breakpoint as not being hit) until that function is called.
under it in VS2015 I manually added it and it worked fine. – kuskmen