I have VHDL code that should do the following: When KEY(0)(RESET) is pressed, the next rising clock starts the process (50MHz). It sets status_flag and a new process looks at status_flag and every 1000000(+ const)clk cycles, a value called DAC is updated. I imagine as the clk-cntr is updated, it requires a few clock cycles, hence the constant. ( i used a data logger and I can see a ~20.02ms)At the bottom of the second process, clk-cntr is reset to zero. The goal is to go through the second process after KEY(0) is pressed and wait for the next KEY press. As one can see, I have status_flag commented out because the compiler responds with "can't resolve multiple constant drivers". How do I reset status_flag or similar to have the code wait for KEY(0)? I am using real time response and not simulation.
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Global signals ------------------------------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CLK : in std_logic;
RESET : in std_logic;
end entity test_top;
architecture rtl of test_top is
shared variable status_flag : std_logic;
signal clk_cntr : unsigned(31 downto 0);
signal DAC : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
DAC_Out_Rising_Edge: process(CLK)
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if RESET = '1' then -- KEY(0) switch
status_flag := '1'; -- The encoder is triggered on the rising edge of the clock
end if;
end if;
end process;
Servo_routine: process(CLK)
if rising_edge(CLK) then --
if (status_flag = '1') then
clk_cntr <= clk_cntr + 1;
if clk_cntr = 4 then
DAC <= "000000000000"; -- initialize value
end if;
if clk_cntr = 1000000 then
DAC <= "000000000010";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 2000000 then
DAC <= "000000000100";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 3000000 then
DAC <= "000000001000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 4000000 then
DAC <= "000000010000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 5000000 then
DAC <= "000000100000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 6000000 then
DAC <= "000001000000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 7000000 then
DAC <= "000010000000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 8000000 then
DAC <= "000100000000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 9000000 then
DAC <= "001000000000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 1000000 then
DAC <= "000100000000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 1100000 then
DAC <= "000010000000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 1200000 then
DAC <= "000001000000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 1300000 then
DAC <= "000000100000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 14000000 then
DAC <= "000000010000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 15000000 then
DAC <= "000000001000";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 16000000 then
DAC <= "000000000100";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 17000000 then
DAC <= "000000000010";
end if;
if clk_cntr = 18000000 then
DAC <= "000000000000";
end if;
if clk_cntr > 18000000 then
DAC <= "000000000000"; -- resets flags/data
clk_cntr <= (others => '0'); -- resets flags/data
if RESET = '0' then
--status_flag := '0'; -- The encoder is reset
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;