I have an employee info form that has fields Employee No, Employee Name & Employee Email Address. When registered a new employee info, I am not able to get Email address ( from the Domino Directory names.nsf), the employee name from the form has to match with the name in directory and bring the mail address.
Please help me as am new to Lotus notes :(
I tried this formula...for Email address field...
server := @Name([CN]; @Subset(@DbName; 1));
err := "No email address found, plz chk Domino Directory";
@If(EmpName != ""; @DbLookup("":"NoCache";server:"names.nsf";"People";Name;4); Email);
But this is not working, I get only the error but not the email address. Plz help me :(
I then tried with DbColumn... itz populating all the email addresses in the email field.
My requirement is bring the email address of the name matching with the employee name registerd from the domino directory, if email addr not exist, display error.