
Basically what I want to do is create a form whilst within another form and pass values from the earlier form to the second. Complicated I know but here is what I got.

@Do(@Command([Compose];"LPK"); @SetField("PR_Make"; PR_Make))

The fields in both forms have the same name and this code is called when first document is attempted to be saved. I think instead of editing the field on the second form it just saves a field as itself instead. Any help appreciated.


2 Answers


The best and common way is to enable form property "Formulas inherit values from selected document" in second form "LPK".

enter image description here

Add a default value formula to second form's fields you want to inherit and put just the name of field itself in. For your example default value formula it would be


Make sure you save document first and then create the new document.


Knut Hermann's answwer is the 'standard' way of achieving such things but there are other methods- eg you can use environment variables ..

Something like:

@Environment("PR_Make") := PR_Make;

Then set the default value for PR_Make in your new form as ..


FYI Environment variables are written to the user's Notes.ini file and so remain even after Notes has been closed and re-opened. @Environemt doens't work too well with Web applications as it uses the server's notes.ini.

An alternative would be to use profile documents:

@SetProfileField( "PRDefaults"; "PR_Make" ; PR_Make;@Username);

.. in the default field for PR_Make on new form :

@GetProfileField( "PRDefaults"; "PR_Make"; @Username);

Profile documents are stored as a kind of hidden document in the Notes database and persist with the database. The last parameter sets a further subdivision by username so each user gets their own profile doc - a bit like a personal profile for "PRDefaults". You can miss this last parameter @Username out, to have one profile doc per database but there's a risk of two people trying to use it at the same time and clashing.

Profile docs also work with web applications.