Here is the definition of my problem. I have a Notes application which opens a Form using the formula @DialogBox. In that form, I have a field which is mandatory by its input validation usign this formula:
@If(NotificationTitle = ""; @Failure("The Title field is mandatory...") ; @Success)
Pretty simple uh?! Now the problem is, SOMEHOW, SOMEONE did SOMETHING and got that document saved with empty value. Anybody has an idea on how he could have done that? I know that wonderful phrase that says "90% of the clients are idiots", but how can you save a document with mendatory fields empty? The problem is that this empty field made the whole web-based application down. We don't want it to happen again, so we'll probably put a condition on the column of the view to show something when it's empty, but I wondered how it could have been empty.
Any idea?