
My Lotus notes field allows special characters to be stored in the text box for example Franco Martínez, José Ramó this name has special character í, é, ó How do i not allow user to paste such character ?

Also, when i create a view can I convert this to a simple string using a method so that it does not contain special characters ?


1 Answers


Over the input validation of an field you can use a @Fomular to post an failure when the User use one of these characters. Use something like this

enter image description here

@If( @Contains(Field_1;"í");@Failure("no í");@Contains(Field_1;"é");@Failure("no é");@Contains(Field_1;"ó");@Failure("no ó");@Success)

If you like to change the characters of exsitings doc, you can use an LS Agent which change characters of the marked documents in a view.

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim doccol As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim eval As variant

Set doccol =session.Currentdatabase.Unprocesseddocuments
If doccol.Count =0 Then
    MsgBox "please mark docs" ,0, "please mark docs"
    Exit sub
End If

Set doc = doccol.Getfirstdocument()

Do Until doc Is Nothing

    eval = Evaluate({@Replacesubstring(Field_1;"í":"ó":"é";"i":"o":"e")}, doc)
    Call doc.Replaceitemvalue("Field_1", eval)
    Call doc.Save(true,false, true)
    Set doc = doccol.Getnextdocument(doc)

To change the characters in a view column just take
