I am trying to achieve what is shown here:
I have 2 CSV Files, diease_mstr and Test_mstr Now in Test_mstr, I have many test to disease ID records, which means none of them are unique. The disease ID points to disease_mstr file. In disease_mstr file I have only 2 fields, ID and Disease_name (disease name is unique).
Now, I am creating 3 nodes with labels 1) Tests (only "testname" property) which will have unique tests (total 345 unique testnames)
**Properties :**
a) testname
2) Linknode (pulled entire Test_mstr file) also pulled "disease_name" for corresponding disease_ID from Disease_mstr File
3) Disease (pulled form disease_mstr) file.
Afterwhich I run create relationships
1)MATCH (t:Tests),(n:Linknode) where t.testname = n.tname CREATE (n)-[r:TEST_2]->(t) RETURN n,r,t
2)MATCH (d:Disease), (l:Linknode) where d.did = l.did MERGE (d)-[r:FOR_DISEASE]->(l) RETURN d,r,l
To get the desired result as shown in image, I run following cypher command :
MATCH (d:Disease)-[r2:FOR_DISEASE]->(l:Linknode)-[r:TEST_2]->(t:Tests) RETURN l,r,t,r2 LIMIT 25
Can someone please help me create 2 more relationships which is marked and linked in image with BLUE and GREEN lines?.
Sample files and images can be accessed in my google folder link