I'm trying to dynamically generate cyphers to create nodes and relationships on Neo4j (v3.0.4) but I'm getting some weird results.
I've been working with cypher queries for a while now and I can't see what's wrong with my query here
So I have a Neo4j database with a constraint on unique id
for :Individuals
Given that, I'm running the following cypher query:
MERGE (parent:Individual {id:"334717eb182371a126e46d44bde3ef6b"})
SET parent.name = "SOME PARENT NAME"
WITH parent
OPTIONAL MATCH (parent)<-[del:IS_RELATIVE]-(n)
WITH parent, n, del
WITH parent
CREATE (c1:Individual {name:"CHILD 1"})
CREATE (parent)<-[r1:IS_RELATIVE {birth:"2017-02-24"}]-(c1)
CREATE (c2:Individual {name:"CHILD 2"})
CREATE (parent)<-[r2:IS_RELATIVE {birth:"2015-01-23"}]-(c2)
And the first time I run it, it results me:
Added 3 labels, created 3 nodes, set 7 properties, created 2 relationships, statement executed in 1201 ms
Which is great! The expected result.
But if I run the same query again, it results
Added 4 labels, created 4 nodes, set 11 properties, deleted 2 relationships, created 4 relationships, statement executed in 540 ms.
And if I run the same query again:
Added 8 labels, created 8 nodes, set 21 properties, deleted 4 relationships, created 8 relationships, statement executed in 192 ms.
And then
Added 16 labels, created 16 nodes, set 41 properties, deleted 8 relationships, created 16 relationships, statement executed in 583 ms.
And notice that the first node is not being duplicated, just the "child" ones with their relationships...
I don't know what I'm missing...