I have a network of nodes and relationships in Neo4j, (4039 nodes and 178000 relationships). I was playing around with the data, however, it seemed to me, I could not access any node by their particular property
When I created the nodes, the create statements were something like this,
create(n:PERSON{userid:6, `1`:1, `53`:53, `55`:55, `62`:62, `78`:78, `111`:111, `127`:127, `157`:157, `157`:157});
The properties were common for a lot of nodes, lets say, property 55
with value 55 is common for atleast 50 nodes. But if I am trying to retrieve them, using this cypher query
match (n:PERSON {`55`: {55}}) return n;
It is giving me an error of Expected a parameter named 55.