So I have been exploring different methods to clean up and test my JavaScript. I figured just like any other language one way to get better is to read good code. jQuery is very popular so it must have a certain degree of good coding.
So why when I run jQuery through JSLint's validation it gives me this message:
Problem at line 18 character 5: Expected an identifier and instead saw 'undefined' (a reserved word).
Problem at line 24 character 27: Missing semicolon.
jQuery = window.jQuery = window.$ = function( selector, context ) {
Problem at line 24 character 28: Expected an identifier and instead saw '='.
jQuery = window.jQuery = window.$ = function( selector, context ) {
Problem at line 24 character 28: Stopping, unable to continue. (0% scanned).
This was done using JSLint and jquery-1.3.1.js