
I am trying to reduce image width and height from 600*400 to 120*120 using following comment in imagemagick

convert 'old.png' -resize 120x120 -quality 100 'new.png'

After reducing size image looks too blur. Is there any way to do this using imagemagick?

Do you use dragonfly? Or something else? Show code fragment where you exactly processing images.cnnr
How much reduction (in percent) are you doing? If very large, that could be the issue. Also -quality values mean something totally different for PNG than for JPG. I am not sure what -quality 100 means for PNG. See imagemagick.org/script/command-line-options.php#quality. Try without -quality 100. Is it any better? As mentioned below you can add -unsharp to sharpen the result. Or you could choose a different -filter option such as carton. See imagemagick.org/Usage/filter and imagemagick.org/Usage/filter/nicolas. What version of Imagemagick are you using?fmw42

1 Answers


You could try sharpening your image with -unsharp 1.5x1+0.7+0.02