I'm using convert
utility from ImageMagick to convert raw image bytes to usable image format such as PNG. My raw files are generated by code, so there is no any headers, just pure pixels.
In order to convert my image I'm using command:
$ convert -depth 1 -size 576x391 -identify gray:image.raw image.png
gray:image.raw=>image.raw GRAY 576x391 576x391+0+0 1-bit Gray 28152B 0.010u 0:00.009
The width is fixed and pretty known for me. However I have to evaluate the height of the image from the file size each time which is annoying.
Without height specified or if wrong height is specified the utility compains:
$ convert -depth 1 -size 576 -identify gray:image.raw image.png
convert-im6.q16: must specify image size `image.raw' @ error/gray.c/ReadGRAYImage/143.
convert-im6.q16: no images defined `image.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258.
$ convert -depth 1 -size 576x390 -identify gray:iphone.raw iphone.png
convert-im6.q16: unexpected end-of-file `image.raw': No such file or directory @ error/gray.c/ReadGRAYImage/237.
convert-im6.q16: no images defined `image.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258.
So I wonder is there a way to automatically detect the image height based on the file/blob size?