I am trying to do my own language with antlr4. I manged to create my own grammar and make my own Visitor which compiles my language.
Now, I am trying to build simple GUI interface for my language. However I am quite confused with idea how to do it, or if it is even possible. Here is the situation.
My language support easy function declarations. Lets say I have simple textarea on my html page which loads my code build parser and usual antlr stuff. After this i call visitor which run my code.
var chars = new antlr4.InputStream(inputText);
var lexer = new TinyLexer(chars);
var tokens = new antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer);
var parser = new TinyParser(tokens);
parser.buildParseTrees = true;
var tree = parser.parse();
var visitor = new Visitor();
My language:
def rock()
println("You selected ROCK")
This is working and print message to my output windows. However now I added support for buttons in my language which can call some function on click. This will create simple html button which should call function rock() on click:
Button btn1("MyButton", "rock()")
My idea was something like this when visiting newButtonCall
Visitor.prototype.visitNewButtonCall = function (ctx) {
var buttonId = ctx.Identifier().getText();
var buttonName = this.visit(ctx.exprList().expression(0));
var buttonFunction = this.visit(ctx.exprList().expression(1));
var button = document.createElement('button');
button.onclick = function(){
if(buttonFunction in this.myFunctions){
return this.myFunctions[buttonFunction].invoke();
Of course, this cant work cause visitor finished its job and it is no more keeping reference about anything so this.myFunctions doesnt exist anymore. However I have no clever idea how to make this work (Except calling whole visitor process again).
Any help? Thanks a lot!