I am trying to make a bot using Azure Language Understanding and it was going along smoothly until I tried to get entity recognition working.
Initially I tried making many hierarchical entities in the hope Luis would eventually be able to pick them out, but after looking around, a number of the examples pointed to using a smaller number of entities.
It also appeared that Luis was better at picking words in utterances based on location rather than text, so I now have ~4 intents and ~entities. with about 20 utterances in each.
When I submit new utterances to the API, it only typically returns 1 of 2 intents and no entities. Ever.
But when I look at the Luis.ai dashboard, it shows different Intent scores and actually tags words as entities.
I am invoking the API with webClient.DownloadString("https://australiaeast.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/...")
and deserializing the JSON into Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Luis.Models.LuisResult
Do I have a wrong setting?
Do I need to train Luis more?
Am I calling the endpoint wrong?
What steps should I take to try and get the entities returned?