I am facing an issue whereby words that does not match with any intents, it will assume it belongs to intent with the most labeled utterances.
Example: if
- Intent A consists of utterances such as Animals
- Intent B consists of utterances such as Fruits
- Intent C consists of utterances such as Insects
- Intent D consists of utterances such as People Name
Desired: If the random word(s) does not fit into any of the luis intent, it will fit into none luis intent. Example of desired: If word such as "emotions" or "clothes" were entered, it will match as "None" intent.
Actual: When user type random word(s), it match with luis intent with highest number of labeled utterances. If word such as "emotions" was entered, it will match as "A" intent as intent A consist of highest number of labeled utterances.
Please advise on the issue.