I'm training a LUIS model to recognize the intent to change the date of birth or expected date of birth for an individual in a database. In addition to a datetimeV2 entity it is expected that a number:MemberID or number:FamilyID will be detected too. If it isn't that will be handled programmically.
Example Utterance - https://i.imgur.com/l8W670F.png
My issue is that when batch testing LUIS it labels True Positive results for the builtin.number as False Positives. I don't know if this is a bug with LUIS or something wrong with my model or batch files. I've labeled screen shots below of the batch training results and will add a snippet from the batch test file.
I've attempted retraining the model and combining intents but no such luck. I've added up to 60 utterances for each intent but I end up with an over trained model with more problems than when I started. Additionally, I've added patterns but again this does not help.
Batch Results Graph - https://i.imgur.com/0ki5CaV.png
False Positive Utterances - https://i.imgur.com/q0T82wh.png
"text": "change dob to 09/16/2013 for Charles Patterson in family 53183",
"intent": "ChangeDOB",
"entities": [
"entity": "datetimeV2",
"startPos": 14,
"endPos": 24
"entity": "FirstName",
"startPos": 29,
"endPos": 36
"entity": "LastName",
"startPos": 37,
"endPos": 46
"entity": "number:FamilyID",
"startPos": 57,
"endPos": 62
"text": "change birth dt for 47224 to 10/22/2015",
"intent": "ChangeDOB",
"entities": [
"entity": "number:MemberID",
"startPos": 20,
"endPos": 25
"entity": "datetimeV2",
"startPos": 29,
"endPos": 39
"text": "repair birthday to 04/30/2019 in family 84842",
"intent": "ChangeDOB",
"entities": [
"entity": "datetimeV2",
"startPos": 19,
"endPos": 29
"entity": "number:FamliyID",
"startPos": 40,
"endPos": 45
"text": "alter birthday to 01/18/2004 for Harry Taylor in family 31902",
"intent": "ChangeDOB",
"entities": [
"entity": "datetimeV2",
"startPos": 18,
"endPos": 28
"entity": "FirstName",
"startPos": 33,
"endPos": 38
"entity": "LastName",
"startPos": 39,
"endPos": 45
"entity": "number:FamilyID",
"startPos": 56,
"endPos": 61
"text": "change date of birth to 11/15/2003 for 87546",
"intent": "ChangeDOB",
"entities": [
"entity": "datetimeV2",
"startPos": 24,
"endPos": 34
"entity": "number:MemberID",
"startPos": 39,
"endPos": 44
Ultimately, the batch results should be displaying True Positives for the utterances that it is currently labeled False Positives because they do contain a number:MemberID which it detects correctly.