I am trying to run batch tests for my LUIS app. The entities labelled as List Entity are displayed as False Positive inside the chart.
I have already gone through the below question and I believe this issue has already been resolved. But I still have issues with the list entity type. I have not included list entities inside the batch file.
LUIS Batch Testing for Entity is Not Working
In the documentation, it is stated that: "Only the machine-learned entities are used: simple, hierarchical (parent-only), and composite entities. Do not add non-machine-learned entities because they are always found either through regular expressions, or explicit text matches"
I have used the following syntax inside batch test file (no labelled entites):
"text": "example utterance goes here",
"intent": "intent name goes here",
"entities": []
Do I have to exclude all the utterances containing the list entity while creating the batch file ? If so how can I test the Intent prediction for those utterances using batch tests?