
I am trying to make the new custom intents that I created in a LUIS App to be available in a WebApp bot that I created. The intents are working in the LUIS app test pane and also in the bot example query but not with the WebApp bot.

I updated the LuisAppID, LuisAPIKey, LuisAPIHostName in the App Settings of the Web App bot from the Luis App Prediction resource tab. Please note I am only using the azure portal and LUIS.ai site. I do not have the Visual studio and Emulator installed

Example Query: https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/luis/v2.0/apps/69485015-9884-4d14-a944-a900e3092025?verbose=true&timezoneOffset=0&subscription-key=5b188d8a0ebe498b90c93efcf83aa940&q=

If I type utterances related to the new intent I created, the message in the Test in Web Chat is - Sorry, it looks like something went wrong.

resourcegroup WebAppbot LUISApp CorebotExisting Dialogs Added Intent

"Sorry, it looks like something went wrong." is basically the message that you have when your bot code has an exception, so you will have to debug it. Have you implemented any logic on your bot code to handle the new intents?Nicolas R
No I did not implement any logic in the code, I updated the LuisAppID, LuisAPIKey, LuisAPIHostName. I have not added any code that needs to be added to account for the new intents in the online editor. Can you pl. suggest the code snippet that needs to be added in the online code editor. Also when I built and ran the code as is, I notice that the Test in Web Chat option is taking forever with the message "Waiting for the bot to be ready".mvedula
Without knowing how you implemented your bot (created from scratch, based on a template, etc), it's hard to helpNicolas R
I created from scratch, These are the steps I followed 1. A LUIS App by creating an intent and adding 11 utterances under it and published it 2. Standard Web App bot with the pre-existing dialogs. Added the LUIS App, Key, host name to web app bot. Now I need to add the LUIS App intents to be recognized in the Web App bot. 3. I am using an azure portal with online editor and online LUIS app.mvedula
"Standard Web App bot with the pre-existing dialogs" so it's not built from scratch. Add more details by editing your question please (which template, which language, etc)Nicolas R

1 Answers


@NicolasR's comment is right on the money. You need to adjust your bot code to handle the new intents. You can do this a couple of different ways:

1. Online Editor (not recommended, at all)

Go to Azure Portal > Your Resource Group > Your App Service > App Service Editor:

enter image description here

Then edit the files under wwwroot. If your bot is in C#, you'll need to open the console:

enter image description here

Then execute dotnet build, then click Run:

enter image description here

2. Local Editor (highly recommended)

Go to Azure Portal > Your Resource Group > Your Web App Bot > Build > Download Source Code:

enter image description here

Then, open the code in the editor of your choice (I recommend Visual Studio or VS Code -- both are free), edit the code to account for your new intents, then Deploy your bot to Azure.

This is much, much better in the long-run as you develop your bot.


Without actually seeing more of your code, I believe you need to edit your intents into LuisHelper

That being said, I'm relatively sure this far more advanced that what you're ready for. I recommend downloading some samples, and start with the first few to see how they work, then try to get CoreBot working locally.

Here's some additional information about getting started.