The app that I am building allows teachers to assess their students. They can have any number of students within any number of classes. (For instance, Teacher A may teach only science to one class of 25 students but Teacher B may teach 4 classes of 30 students 7 different subjects.) My end goal is to graph the performance data of any selected class for a teacher. This is what that graph might look like:
I have a MySQL table with a series of data. The structure for it looks like this:
id user_id room_id student_id subject_id unit_id outcome_id assessed_level 200 28 50 69 23 203 849 4 201 28 50 66 23 203 849 3 202 28 50 76 23 203 849 2 203 28 50 69 23 212 849 4 204 28 50 66 23 212 849 1 205 28 50 76 23 212 849 3 etc.
Within a view, I want to grab all of the students for each of the subjects and determine how many achieved 1-4 as an average of their marks. They may have been assessed any number of times in a subject, and I need to output data for all of the subjects that are taught in this chosen classroom, so I determined that I need to run it all through a loop.
I am using the following to get the data:
for($x=0; $x<count($students_of_room); $x++) {
$assessment_data[] = DB::table('student_assessments')
->join('subjects', 'student_assessments.subject_id', '=', '')
->select('student_assessments.student_id as student_id', ' as subject_name', DB::raw('round(avg(student_assessments.assessed_level)) AS average'))
->where('student_assessments.user_id', Auth::id())
->where('student_assessments.room_id', $selected_room->id)
->where('student_assessments.student_id', $students_of_room[$x]->id)
which produces these results:
[{"student_id":69,"subject_name":"Science","average":"4"}] [{"student_id":66,"subject_name":"Science","average":"3"}] [{"student_id":76,"subject_name":"Science","average":"2"}] [{"student_id":67,"subject_name":"Science","average":"3"}] [{"student_id":64,"subject_name":"Science","average":"3"}] [{"student_id":68,"subject_name":"Science","average":"2"}] [{"student_id":75,"subject_name":"Science","average":"3"}] [{"student_id":73,"subject_name":"Science","average":"3"}] [{"student_id":74,"subject_name":"Science","average":"2"}] [{"student_id":70,"subject_name":"Science","average":"3"}] [{"student_id":65,"subject_name":"Science","average":"3"}] [{"student_id":62,"subject_name":"Science","average":"2"}] [{"student_id":63,"subject_name":"Science","average":"3"}] [{"student_id":71,"subject_name":"Science","average":"3"}] [{"student_id":72,"subject_name":"Science","average":"1"}]
I would like to be able to group these results together so that all of the students who have an average of 4 are together, the 3s are together, the 2s, and the 1s.
From the example output above, I would have 1 student at a 4, 9 students at a 3, 4 students at a 2, and 1 student at a 1.
I would like it to look something like this:
[{"subject_name":"Science","level":"4","num_students":"1"}] [{"subject_name":"Science","level":"3","num_students":"9"}] [{"subject_name":"Science","level":"2","num_students":"4"}] [{"subject_name":"Science","level":"1","num_students":"1"}]
How could I go about getting this result?
Also, if there are other issues where my code could be improved, I am open to that as well. Thanks!