I'm tried each of the following keybindings.json ctrl+enter "command" settings to enable execution of two commands when the .py[thon] script editor extension is active. The single commands work but none of the attempts to associate multiple commands or a macros reference containing multiple commands, work. The later generates a "command 'macros.<macro defined in settings.json>' not found."
Any pointers on how I get multiple commands attached to a single keyboard shortcut definition, specifically what's wrong with how i'm setting up macros approach?
// %appdata%\Code\User\keybindings.json
"key": "ctrl+enter",
//"command": "python.execSelectionInTerminal",
//"command": "cursorDown",
//"command": [ "python.execSelectionInTerminal", "cursorDown" ],
//"command": "python.execSelectionInTerminal, cursorDown",
//"command": "python.execSelectionInTerminal && cursorDown",
"command": "macros.pythonExecuteLineAndMoveToNextOne",
"when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == 'python'"
// %appdata%\Code\User\settings.json
"macros": {
"pythonExecuteLineAndMoveToNextOne": [
. .
. . .