As a part of the Visual Studio 2017 UWP build process, an app called MakePri.exe is run. It is throwing an error in my project but I have no idea why. The command line call is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.16299.0\x64\MakePri.exe New -ProjectRoot C:\AdaptSource\src\Xivic\Adapt.Presentation.XamarinForms\Adapt.Presentation.Xivic.UWP\ -ConfigXml obj\x86\Debug\priconfig.xml -OutputFile C:\AdaptSource\src\Xivic\Adapt.Presentation.XamarinForms\Adapt.Presentation.Xivic.UWP\bin\x86\Debug\resources.pri -IndexName AdaptSolutionsPty.Ltd.Xivic-Helpdesk -Verbose -Overwrite
The error that it returns is:
error PRI175 : 0x80073b0f - Processing Resources failed with error : Duplicate Entry.
GENERATEPROJECTPRIFILE : error PRI277: 0xdef00532 - Conflicting values for resource ''
I have no idea what it is talking about. There is no useful information in the error message. After sifting through a lot of google results, I see that the problem seems to come up when there are references to certain or duplicate DLLs in referenced .NET Standard / PCL projects.
For example:
But in other threads, at least people are getting a resource name to work with. I've removed as many references as I can. I've used resharper to help. I really need to get a useful error message out of MakePri. Does anyone know anything about this? Is there a way to see what it is stumbling on?
Edit: The issue was that my solution was using two versions of Xamarin.Forms. Once I consolidated the NuGet packages, the problem went away. But, I feel like this is a bug because the error message should be more descriptive. It wastes a lot of time. So, I've logged the issue here: I'll leave this open until there is some kind of response at Microsoft.
– Fabrice T