I updated one UWP App to a newer SDK and set target version to 16299 and Min Version to 15063.
Then I'm using the Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract Namespace to use features of the new SDK if available. Example:
<contract5Present:NavigationView x:Name="NavView" ...
The build failed with no error message displayed. But when I set build log to detailed it seems that it won't find the assemblies:
Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
The Folder and files exist on C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\References**10.0.16299.0**\Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract\ AND C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\References**10.0.15063.0**\Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract\
Update 1: It seems it has to to with my resource disctionary and the acrylic brushes. If I copy my resource dictionary to a blank app the same error occurs. If I remove the contract thing and all acrylic brushes from the resource disctionary the build succeeded. So what am I missing here?
Update 2: I finally found where the issue occurs (maybe you can reproduce, just start with an blank app (Target: Fall Creators, Min Version: Creators Update), create a ResourceDictionary and copy this into it):
<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
<Thickness x:Key="HeaderMargin">20,41,0,0</Thickness>
<ResourceDictionary x:Key="Light">
<Color x:Key="BrandColor">#D1D1D1</Color>
<contract5Present:AcrylicBrush x:Key="OptionsPaneBackground" BackgroundSource="Backdrop" TintColor="{StaticResource BrandColor}" TintOpacity="0.2" FallbackColor="#D1D1D1" />
<ResourceDictionary x:Key="Dark">
<Color x:Key="BrandColor">#3F3F46</Color>
<contract5Present:AcrylicBrush x:Key="OptionsPaneBackground" BackgroundSource="Backdrop" TintColor="{StaticResource BrandColor}" TintOpacity="0.6" FallbackColor="#3F3F46" />
If I remove the first line (thickness) from the dictionary the Build succeed. My system runs on April 2018 Update, but I have the same issue on another machine with the Fall Creators Update.
Solution: I've splitted ThemeResources and Styles into two seperate ResourceDictionaries and now the build succeeded in my main project. But I do not understand why this is happening and why no exact error message appears. I've spent about 8 hours (my project has >70000 lines of code) to find the issue and I'm a little bit angry about it :)